All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in total
Wes Michael of Rare Patient Voice
Wes Michael is founder and president of Rare Patient Voice. He joins host Stephen V. Smith to discuss how Rare Patient Voice connects patients and caregivers with the ...

Being Present
Hello, I'm Stephen Smith and today we're going to talk about being present. Our one and only grandson turned two years old recently. He had a small party and he was bl...

Family is the Best ICU Medicine
Hello, I'm Stephen Smith and today we're going to talk about how family is really the best medicine when you're in ICU. I can still see the images today. The noise was...

Good Grief
Hello, I'm Stephen Smith and today we're going to talk about grief. I've been thinking a lot about grief lately. The word often conjures up a widow mourning for her pa...

Life Inside the Margins
Hello, I'm Stephen Smith and today we're going to talk about living life inside the margins. As a child, I struck an unusual balance between grasping a lot of concepts...

Project Management
Hello, I'm Stephen Smith, and, you know, sometimes it feels like living with a rare disease should come with a degree in project management. It's not for weaklings. It...

Too Tired to Swing
Hello, I'm Stephen Smith and today we're going to talk about when you're too tired to swing, when there's just not enough fight to get off the mat. Living with a rare ...

Why I Talk About Living a Rare Life
Hello, I'm Stephen Smith, and welcome to the premiere episode of Live Life Rare. This podcast is a companion to the newsletter that you will find at ...